Laser Oral Surgery and Soft Tissue Dentistry.

The LightScapel CO2 Dental Laser is a soft-tissue scalpel that is easy to use.

The flexible fiber and its scalpel-like handpiece make the CO2 laser the soft tissue tool of choice for thousands of physicians and dentists world-wide.

The LightScapel offers a level of precision that simply isn’t available with other conventional dental instruments. Laser procedures eliminate bleeding, making it easier and faster to work while reducing stress for the patient. It also sterilizes as it works, helping to control infection.

What is laser surgery and how does it work?

Traditional surgery with a scalpel or scissors can bruise or crush tissue. When we use the LightScalpel CO2 laser, only an intense beam of laser light interacts with the tissue. There is no mechanical trauma to the tissue and the coagulation zone is very narrow (as little as 50 microns).

The CO2 laser has the unique ability to vaporize or ‘erase’ tissue. The CO2 laser can be used to make incisions, as well as to remove unhealthy tissue. The CO2 laser is so precise that we can selectively remove only a few cells at a time, if needed. At the same time, it is powerful enough to de-bulk entire tumors.


Are LightScalpel laser procedures safe?

When used according to accepted practices by a trained practitioner, the laser is as safe as other instruments. You will wear special protective glasses, just as you would to protect your eyes from sun exposure.

What are the advantages of LightScalpel laser procedures?

We are proud to provide the many advantages of laser technology to our patients:

  • Minimized Bleeding: As it vaporizes the tissue, the LightScalpel laser seals small blood vessels. This great reduction in bleeding makes surgical procedures quick and easy. In many cases, no sutures are required.
  • Less Swelling and Discomfort: The LightScalpel CO2 laser beam seals lymphatics, resul-ting in less post-operative swelling and discomfort associated with traditional scalpel surgery.
  • Reduced Risk of Infection: Sanitizing effect of the laser reduces the risk of infection and means faster healing.
  • Shortened Surgery Time: The hemostatic effect of the laser beam results in the improved visibility of the surgical field. The surgeon and the team do not have to spend much time trying to control bleeding. As a result, the duration of the surgery is reduced.
  • Faster recovery: Reduced trauma, minimized bleeding, pain and swelling, and shorter periods of anesthesia mean you can go back to work or school the same day, in most cases.
  • Advanced laser accessories mean better results: The flexible fiber waveguide of the LightScalpel CO2 laser and lightweight ergonomic handpieces allow for enhanced precision with pin-point accuracy. In addition, LightScalpel accessories significantly facilitate surgeries in difficult to reach places.

Is laser procedure appropriate for me?

A laser can perform a wide variety of surgical procedures. Dr. Aydin will be able to tell you if you are a candidate for laser surgery.


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